The Trailer:
Director: Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead
Cast: Peter Ciella & Vinny Curan
Synopsis: In an attempt to save his junkie best friend, Mike Danube (Peter Ciella) chains Chris Daniels (Vinny Curan) up in an isolated cabin to force him to go cold turkey, but something more is happening.
I almost didn't watch this movie. I'd had it on a to-watch list that I wrote a while back (yes, I like to makes lists), but when I read the synopsis for it on Netflix I thought it sounded dumb. But I gave it a chance anyway, and I'm so glad I did. This might be one of my favorite modern horror films. Anyways, the premise sounds a little weird and, honestly, it's kind of difficult to describe this film without giving too much away or just sounding absolutely mad. So I won't even try. I'll just tell you what I appreciate and respect about the film.
Resolution is filmed in such an odd way. I can't even explain it, but it feels like you're witnessing a chunk of someone's life; like a camera crew just plopped down in front of random people and started filming. Like we're spying. And because of that filming style, it leaves an unsettling tingle in the pit of your stomach that never wanes. It just digs deeper and deeper into your psyche while the film progresses. On top of the strange way it's filmed, there are also a series of bizarre characters— who inhabit the surrounding area of the cabin— that we're introduced to throughout the film: None of which play a huge part in the story line, but they all leave an eerie impact. Plus all these weird little clues that Mike finds or, rather, the clues that are mysteriously left for him to find add to the overall disturbing aura of the film. The whole time you're wondering who is doing this, is there someone watching them, trying to kill them? Are all the bizarre things actually happening? Are they going crazy? Everything is unraveled in a gradual manner which allows for an effectual frightening atmosphere to build and for us viewers to become truly familiar with the characters. Speaking of the characters, Peter Ciella and Vinny Curan both did an amazing job in their respective roles and are believable. Mike Danube (Peter Ciella) is the do-gooder type who just wants to help his best friend while also being scared by all the clues and weird things that are happening to them. Chris Daniels (Vinny Curan) on the other hand is shithead who only cares about his next high and is completely indifferent to Mike's concerns about him and the mysterious clues. I wasn't familiar with these actors before Resolution, but due to their impeccable performances I have since been watching out for them and other movies they're involved in. In addition to all this, there are moments of wonderfully crafted, eerie symbolism and dialogue that, again, are truly unsettling.
This is not a film for all horror fans. It's a slow-burner horror without the ever-present in-your-face terrifying moments of most modern horror flicks. I think there is only one jump scare, but other than that Resolution is a muted, subtle film. The ending is a little rushed, but I can overlook that: It's not what I expected and definitely a unique concept. I definitely will watch Resolution again, no question! I can't even say any more about this movie (it's hard to explain why you love something, right?) so just go watch it!
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