Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Wetlands (Feuchtgebiete)" (2013) Not Wet, But Not Completely Dry Either...

The Trailer:
Director: David Wnednt
Cast: Carla Juri, Marlen Kruse, Meret Becker, Axel Milberg, & Christof Letkowski

Synopsis: Helen (Carla Juri), a sexually liberated, unhygienic girl, seeks to bring her divorced parents back together under unusual circumstances.

This film is not for everyone. I repeat: THIS FILM IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you're easily disgusted by bodily fluids such as period blood, vaginal secretions, and semen (discussed or shown) stay away from this movie. If not, like myself, this movie may still not be for you. If you're expecting some sexy teen comedy, turn around, this is not the movie for you. This film is perverse, disgusting and absolutely gross, but rarely sexy. And I like it all the more for that reason. Wetlands doesn't portray sex in an unrealistic, glamorized, humorous way as is the form of most teen sex comedies. The sex in this film is a direct, distasteful, painfully truthful depiction of what sex is in real life. And better for it. Instead of funny sex, we get moments of sexual experimentation that is curious and exploratory and awkward like most of my own sexual awakening; I could relate to it. Though I did cringe at some of the things Helen does, I never felt the need to look away because what I was seeing was real and genuine, Furthermore, while the films surface focus was on the sexual exploits of Helen, it is also a complex study of the human desire to feel whole, and our unrelenting need to punish ourselves in the wake of our mistakes and/or guilt. I mentioned that I cringed at some scenes, I also laughed and cried and felt an undeniable empathy with Helen.

Speaking of Helen, Carla Juri did an amazing job portraying this character, As did all the actors shown in this film. Meret Becker is phenomenal as Helen's distant, false-happy mother with an unwavering guilt all her own. Axel Milberg as Helen's father was funny and open and encouraging to Helen, and yet he always caused her pain. Marlen Kruse, though had only had the small part of Helen's best friend, Corinna, she did her job well as the naive student and the knowledgeable teacher to Helen. And then there's Christof Letkowski as Robin, the endearing, abashed hospital nurse who aides Helen in her recovery after an unfortunate surgery. The cast was chosen well.

I love Wetlands. Though it is slightly disturbing and gross, I was enthralled with Helen's character and couldn't get enough. It's dirty, perverted and lovable. I love this movie and I would absolutely watch it again. Maybe not for a long while though, I still have to let my stomach settle after all that bodily grossness...

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